Requirement files:
dotProject 2.1.3 (updated:12/2, 30days)
install steps:
1. download dotproject
> wget
2. uncompress dotproject file
> tar zxf dotproject_2_1_3_cht.tar
3. (Not Requirement) copy dotproject to another place, and modify httpd.conf
> cp -r dotproject_2_1_3_cht/* /var/www/dotproject/
> vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
at the bottom, add the following:
> alias /dotproject '/var/www/dotproject/'
4. open browser and go to http://localhost/dotproject
5. click Next
6. check for Requirements, Database Connectors, Directory and File Permissions, PHP Settings
If something is error, use 'yum -y install' to resolve. (ex: php-gd)
Database Connectors:
Just check Mysql Support, if not, please install mysql and start mysqld!!
Directory and File Permissions:
> cp /var/www/dotproject/include/config-dist.php /var/www/dotproject/include/config.php
> chmod 766 /var/www/dotproject/include/config.php
> chmod 777 /var/www/dotproject/files
> chmod 777 /var/www/dotproject/files/temp
> chmod 777 /var/www/dotproject/locales/en
> chmod 777 /var/www/dotproject/locales/zh-TW
PHP Settings:
> vim /etc/php.ini
7. create a mysql-user and a database, and install
8. install finish, go to administrator panel, (id: admin, pw: passwd)
9. (Not Requirement) go to 'Default User Preferences', and set 'Locale: Traditional Chinese (Taiwan)'
10. finish~~